This site will answer all the frequently asked questions by IMGs about preparation for the USMLEs and Residency. On the right side you will find the categories list where you will find the questions and answers for each category.
Requirements for ECFMG certification
Can anyone do the USMLE exams and apply for ECFMG certificate or are there certain requirements for ECFMG certification?
ECFMG have specified a wide range of medical schools from which students and graduates can do the USMLE exams. These schools are listed in the IMED directory which is available through a link on the ECFMG website.
Although medical students can apply for certification during their school years however they will get their ECFMG certificate after they graduate. In addition to this requirement, applicants should pass USMLE step 1, 2 CK and 2 CS.
USMLE step 3 is not required for ECFMG certification but it is needed later on during residency to get license in the State where you want to practice in the future. You can do it before or during residency in the US. USMLE is required before residency if you are applying for H1b visa and better the result should be back before December of the same year you are applying to the match so the program directors know if they will rank you or not to or if they will give you a J1 visa instead if you want.