This site will answer all the frequently asked questions by IMGs about preparation for the USMLEs and Residency. On the right side you will find the categories list where you will find the questions and answers for each category.
What is the best USMLE Qbank?
This question is being asked by every single USMLE test taker whether applying for USMLE Step 1 or Step 2 CK or CS or Step 3. There are many Question banks out there in the market, the most of which failed to compete the level of the real exam. Few outstand there, the first two are Kaplan and UW which have no third for them except for the NBME.
Most applicants will get UW or Kaplan or both based on some points we will go over:
1- USMLE World Qbank:
a- Its score is the most predictive of the real exam score.
b- Pricing is outrageous (expensive).
c-Questions are mostly on the easy side.
2- Kaplan Qbank:
a- Relatively affordable especially for IMGs.
b- Questions are in general tougher than those in the exam but gives you confidence if you are scoring high.
c-Scores are comparable using the USMLE Estimator.
Our advise if you are preparing ahead of time and have money, get both of them, otherwise follow your budget.
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