This site will answer all the frequently asked questions by IMGs about preparation for the USMLEs and Residency. On the right side you will find the categories list where you will find the questions and answers for each category.
IMGs from Costa Rica for USMLE and Residency
Costa Rican doctors study for the USMLE and get the ECFMG certificate to apply later on for residency in the US. They apply through ERAS every year to the same programs that interview and match their peers. These programs include the following: IMG Friendly.
Physicians from Costa Rica will come to the US ahead of time to do 2-3 months of clinical experience to make their profile more competitive. They will do these rotations in the following hospitals before applying to residency: Observerships.
Costa Rican medical graduates usually come from these medical schools:
Colegio Universitario San Judas Tadeo Escuela de Medicina
Universidad Autónoma de Centro América Facultad de Ciencias de la Salud
Universidad de Ciencias Medicas Andrés Vesalio Guzmán (UCIMED) Escuela de Medicina
Universidad de Costa Rica Facultad de Medicina
Universidad de Iberoamérica Escuela de Medicina
Universidad Hispanoamericana
Universidad Internacional de las Américas Escuela de Medicina y Cirugía
Universidad Latina de Costa Rica Facultad de Ciencias de la Salud, Escuela de Medicina