The USMLE Step 1 questions distribution by percentage of each Subject have a breakdown similar to those you will face when preparing for the test from Kaplan, UW or NBME. Knowing this subject wise percentage is very important to know because this way you will be able to master the important ones and have a good review too on the less frequently asked subjects.
Based on our extensive experience with IMGs and available online question banks like UW, NBME and Kaplan we came up with the most near format to the real test breakdown. This is the USMLE Step 1 subject wise breakdown percentage:
Pathology 27%
Pharmacology 14%
Physiology 14%
Microbiology 10%
Anatomy 5%
Neuroanatomy 5%
Immunology 5%
Biochemistry 4%
Embryology 3%
Histology 3%
Behavioral science 3%
Medical Genetics 2%
Biostatistics 2%
Cell and Molecular Biology 2%
Medical Ethics 1%
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