IMGs usually fall in a dilemma when they come to choose from the wide variety of gross anatomy books available for preparing for USMLE step 1. To make it easy for you to choose we will mention the top 3 sources which applicants use to score high. Don't bother buying any other sources unless otherwise specified.
Based on multiple assessments we did in the near past we concluded that these 3 books are the top in the market:
1- Kaplan Lecture Notes Anatomy Book
This series of books is the most popular and most used among people. Not because it is superior to others but because it come in a complete set of other USMLE Step 1 books.
2- High-Yield Gross Anatomy (High-Yield Series) by Ronald W. Dudek
Very popular because of the easy language and illustrations. Can be an alternative for any other book if needed.
3- BRS Gross Anatomy (Board Review Series) by Chung
A very decent USMLE Anatomy study book, although less used than others due to bit more amount of information, but still being used by many students and ranked among the only top 3 in the anatomy field.
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